Skill Set:

These are the nine skills you will work towards to build you character. Some skills must be worked on to conquer quests. Some skill levels must be obtained by at least one party member for boss battles. And for some battles, the cumulative skills of each member allow them to fight higher level monsters.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not only embodying these characteristics, you are the one to give these points to your training members. So, be on the look out for these qualities in their everyday activities:

Social Skill - When an individual makes an effort to include others in an activity or cheers for the progress of others, they are flexing their Social Skills. These individuals are very important in their power, because they spread their quest between themselves and others, making it easier and more rewarding.

Time Management Skill- Time Management is earned when an trainer incorporates activity into their daily schedule, whether that means using their break as a time for a nice walk, or their commute as an excuse to get on a bike. These individuals are great at getting out just in time and making the most of a situation, and are successful at timed tasks more often than others.

Ambition - Individuals who earn ambition are those who make tough goals and try for them. They are quick to take a challenge, and positive in the face of tough odds. Ambitious people tend to be more successful in the long run, because of the risks they take in the short term.

Intelligence - If we were all magical, Intelligence would be a matter of increasing spell knowledge and mana production. But the alternate mana in our world is knowledge, and our spells are the things we master while work towards informing oneself. It can be the mastery of difficult recipes that are healthy, the understanding of a health article, or the learning of a new activity. These individuals are invaluable in a battle or quest because of their complex understanding of all of the different parts. Their intellect can get them out of tight binds, through difficult puzzles, and over all, helps them make good choices.

Stamina - In a game Stamina means two things to your character- Health Points and Endurance. Here it is no different. When a trainer shows a great level of endurance, or the ability to struggle beyond normal means they are truly earning their Stamina points. These individuals are absolutely necessary in any team, as they can last the longest in any battle or quest, and often have to carry the team on their back for a period of time while those with less stamina are left recovering.

Speed - Speed is a matter of efficiency, pure and simple. Not to be confused with time management, where a character in the quest will complete in the time allotted. A character with speed can perform feats of speed, whether it is a covering a long distance in a short time, completing a task in a much more rapid time than others, or simply moving the body quickly throughout the movements of the activity, speed is an irreplaceable skill against quests, and amongst some monsters who hold speed of their own, the only way to truly destroy them.

Health - Health is the expression of Health Points- and the efforts trainers make to increase their own Health Points. Some examples of this are making healthy decisions with food, eating regularly, not over-eating (because you will become lethargic and you clearly cannot slay any goblins in that state). Health is a measure of how well you prepare your body for the training itself. Though health isn't a necessary skill for questing, it is an incredibly important basis for any other type of skill building.

Strength - Strength isn't just lifting things, though that is a good start. Strength is about pushing the body to physical bounds, not in terms of over time, but more at once. Strength can be exhibited in a powerful run over a short period of time, or in the ability to lift more than you could lift before. Those who attain the strength skill are great to have in head to head boss battles because of their pure physical force.

Dexterity - Though dexterity is usually separate from Agility, they are close enough in this scale to share a skill. So, a trainer has earned their dexterity skill when they make a show of skilled or focused effort. Dexterity is what gets the ball to the right part of the field, or what gets your body into the exact right position to pull off that yoga move. Flexibility, focus, and physical skill are all powerful traits of trainers with dexterity, and are a huge help in battles and quests.